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Automations: Triggering Zaps

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Requires Hubbub Pro+ 2.23.0 or above.

This support doc provides information for setting up automations using Zapier with Hubbub’s Save This feature.

When a website visitor fills out the Save This form, Hubbub can send a trigger to Zapier, which can then automate any actions you’d like. Below, we’ll describe an example of how to do this.

Screenshot showing a search on Zapier for "Webhook"

In Zapier, create a new Zap.

Using their AI tools to build your Zap? Start your request with “catch a webhook” and then tell it what you’d like to do afterwards. For example:

Or, to select the Trigger manually, select “Webhooks by Zapier.”

Screenshot showing the "Catch Hook" event option being chosen.

In the “App & Event” tab of the trigger settings, choose the Event “Catch Hook.”

In the “Trigger” tab, leave the “Pick off a Child Key” Field empty.

Zapier will create a unique webhook URL for this Zap, which you can see in the “Test” tab. Copy this URL to your clipboard.

Screenshot of the Test tab showing the webhook URL.

In Hubbub > Save This > Automation Settings, toggle the “Enable Zapier” option on. This enables the feature and shows a Zap Webhook URL field. Paste the webhook URL into this field, and save the settings.

Screenshot of the "Automation Settings" area of Hubbub's Settings page.

Now you can add any actions to your Zap that you’d like, such as sending a message in Slack or saving the data in a Google Sheet.

A screenshot of the Slack Send Channel Message Zap showing an example of the data that are available.
An example of sending a message to a Slack channel every time someone submits the Save This form.

Pro Tip: If you’d like to trigger multiple Zaps, you can set up one “catchall” Zap, and have it trigger your other Zaps.

Supported Data #

  • page_title – The page’s title that the visitor filled out the form on.
  • page_url – The page’s URL.
  • email_address – The email address submitted by the form.
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Updated on December 3, 2024