🦋 Bluesky Sharing Button now available!

Shortcode Share Buttons

Table Of Contents

[hubbub_share] #

With the help of this shortcode you will be able to insert the social share buttons anywhere in the content of your posts.

By default all the settings for how the share buttons are displayed are taken from the “Inline Content Tool”‘s settings.

If you wish to override the default settings you can, but we advise that you use them only if you feel comfortable with them and that you understand that they might change in time. The following attributes are available for this shortcode (all attributes are optional).

Note: The proper syntax for shortcodes uses an equal sign (=) to separate the attribute from the value.


id: The id of the HTML element that wraps the share buttons.

networks: A list with the social networks, separated by comma. The available networks names are: facebook, twitter, x, pinterest, linkedIn, reddit, vkontakte, threads, yummly, tumblr, xing, buffer, whatsapp, flipboard. To see a complete list, visit our homepage.

networks_labels: A list with the labels you wish to appear for each button, separated by comma. The labels must be in the same order as the networks above. Example: “Share on Facebook, Tweet about it, Pin It”.

button_style: The style of the buttons. The values can be a number from 1 to 8. Refer to the Inline Content tool’s settings page to see the styles.

size: The size of the button. The supported values are small, medium, large.

shape: The shape of the buttons. The supported values are rectangular, rounded, circle.

columns: The number of columns to spread the buttons. The values can be auto or a number from 1 to 4.

show_mobile: (yes/no) Use yes to display the buttons on mobile, no to hide them.

show_labels: (yes/no) Use yes to display the labels, no to hide them.

show_labels_mobile: (yes/no) Use yes to display the labels on mobile. New!

button_spacing: (yes/no) Use the value yes to add spacing around the buttons and no to remove the spacing.

show_count: (yes/no) Whether to display the social share count of the post for each network.

show_total_count: (yes/no) Whether to display the total share count of the post.

total_count_position: The position of the total share counts in correlation with the buttons. Can be before, to display the total share counts before the buttons, or after to display them after the buttons.

overwrite: If this attributes is set to the value of yes it will no longer take into account the saved options in the “Content” page of the plugin and will depend only on the attributes you provide.

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Updated on October 7, 2024