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Save This Actions and Filters

Requires Hubbub Pro+ 2.23.0 or above.

You can customize the Save This email and trigger actions using WordPress filters and actions. We look forward to seeing what the community comes up with!

Would you like to automate a task using Zapier? Learn more about Save This’s integration with Zapier.

Example WordPress Plugin #

We’ve created an example WordPress plugin that we use for testing and showcasing all of Hubbub Pro+’s Save This actions and filters. It also includes a number of practical examples to show what could be made.

Brief Overview in our Webinar #

List of Actions #

ActionWhen called
hubbub_save_this_action_preparingFirst action called, preparing the email.
hubbub_save_this_action_before_sentJust prior to sending the Save This email.
hubbub_save_this_action_sentSave This email has just been sent.
hubbub_save_this_action_before_count_incrementJust prior to incrementing the count of the number of times this post had been “Saved”.
hubbub_save_this_action_before_cookieJust prior to saving the cookie which stores the visitor’s email for autofilling later.
hubbub_save_this_action_cookie_saved(see filter if you want to disable) Cookied!
hubbub_save_this_action_before_mailing_list_addJust prior to adding the email address to the selected Mailing List Service.
hubbub_save_this_action_mailing_list_addedAdded to a mailing list!
hubbub_save_this_action_mailing_list_added_convertkitAdded to ConvertKit
hubbub_save_this_action_mailing_list_added_flodeskAdded to Flodesk
hubbub_save_this_action_mailing_list_added_mailchimpAdded to MailChimp
hubbub_save_this_action_mailing_list_added_mailerliteAdded to MailerLite
hubbub_save_this_action_mailing_list_added_mailerlite_classicAdded to MailerLite Classic

List of Filters #

hubbub_save_this_filter_post_urlThe URL of the post being saved. This will be used within links in the email.
hubbub_save_this_filter_post_raw_urlThe plain text URL of the post being saved. This is displayed as a full URL in the Save This email.
hubbub_save_this_filter_post_titleThe title of the post being saved.
hubbub_save_this_filter_email_fromnameThe “From Name” provided in Hubbub > Save This settings.
hubbub_save_this_filter_email_fromaddressThe “From Address” provided in Hubbub > Save This settings.
hubbub_save_this_filter_email_featuredimageurlThe URL of the featured image for the post.
hubbub_save_this_filter_email_messageThe “Email Message” provided in Hubbub > Save This settings.
hubbub_save_this_filter_email_bottomcontentThe “Bottom Content” provided in Hubbub > Save This settings.
hubbub_save_this_filter_email_subjectThe default email subject which is “You Saved This: %post_title%”.
hubbub_save_this_filter_email_headingThe default heading which is “You Saved This:”.
hubbub_save_this_filter_post_title_linkAn HTML link of the post title and post URL. E.g. <a href=$post_url target="_blank">$post_title</a>
hubbub_save_this_filter_footer_site_titleThe Site Title in the footer of the email
hubbub_save_this_filter_image_urlThe URL of the image provided in Hubbub > Save This settings.
hubbub_save_this_filter_email_customlinkcolorThe Custom Link Color provided in Hubbub > Save This settings.
hubbub_save_this_filter_should_save_cookieString (expected: “false”). Determines whether or not to save a cookie. Default ‘true’.
hubbub_save_this_filter_html_templateThe raw HTML template prior to adding any content to it.
hubbub_save_this_filter_html_email_completeThe raw HTML template after adding all of the content just before sending.
hubbub_save_this_filter_headersThe headers array including FROM, TO, etc.
hubbub_save_this_filter_custom_after_logoCustom content section. Below site name or logo.
hubbub_save_this_filter_custom_after_messageCustom content section. Below email message area.
hubbub_save_this_filter_custom_after_post_linkCustom content section. Below post title.
hubbub_save_this_filter_custom_before_bottom_contentCustom content section. Below post URL and before bottom content.
hubbub_save_this_filter_custom_after_bottom_contentCustom content section. After bottom content.
hubbub_save_this_filter_poweredby2.24.0 and above
The Powered By text at the bottom of the email.
hubbub_save_this_filter_subscriber_data2.24.0 and above
Array. The subscriber’s data being sent to each mailing list service. See each service’s developer docs.
hubbub_save_this_filter_mailing_list_service_custom_metadata2.24.0 and above
Array. Currently only used for Kit (formerly ConvertKit).
hubbub_save_this_filter_zapier_data2.24.0 and above
Array. The data payload sent to Zapier.
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Updated on December 3, 2024