What is Save This?
Hubbub Pro+’s Save This inserts a highly customizable form into your content that lets your visitors save the current page via email.
Grow your lists!
Each visitor that uses Save This can be added to your mailing lists. And the conversions have been off-the-charts!
Supported Platforms
Save This currently supports ConvertKit, Flodesk, MailerLite (including Classic), and MailChimp. With many more to come!
(Tip: Use Zapier to support additional platforms!)
“Within two days of implementing the feature I saw a 300% increase in the number of daily subscribers”

Rebecca Blackwell
Of Batter and Dough
A Little and a Lot
“Save This increased my email sign ups by 49% in just five days!”

Sam Turnbull
It Doesn’t Taste Like Chicken
Demo: Give Save This A Try
How Save This works
- A visitor fills out the customizable form to email themself a link to the page they are on.
- They receive a customizable email with a link back to the page.
- Their email address can be added to your mailing list

Customizable Embed Form
Everything about the Save This form that is displayed in your posts and pages can be customized. Its position, text, images, buttons, consent, spotlighting, and success message can all be personalized.
Personalizable Email Design
The Save This email design is simple to personalize with your own logo, custom link color, message, and several custom areas for your own content. Need a bit more? Try filters and actions too!

Powerful Filters & Actions
The Save This email utilizes WordPress’ hookable functions to enable very detailed customizations of the email and to trigger automations. The possibilities are endless!
Custom CSS
If the built-in style options for the Save This form aren’t enough, supply your own Custom CSS to personalize the form however you’d like. You can also make every Save This form different on every page!

⚡Automate with Zapier
Configure automations based on user activity with Zapier’s powerful automation tools. Send yourself a notification, add metrics to your analytics tool of choice, and much more!
Embed everywhere Shortcodes are supported
Using the hubbub_save_this
shortcode, embed the Save This form anywhere on your website that Shortcodes are supported. Or, add multiple forms to a single page in different locations – and different configurations and styles!

Mailing List Service Support
Integrate Save This into the Mailing List service that you already use. Choose a brand-new list segment to keep track of Save This users or add the new subscribers to a segment you already use.
Ready to give it a try?
Start converting readers into subscribers using Hubbub Pro+’s Save This feature.
Share Buttons
With support for more social networks than ever before, Hubbub Pro helps your visitors share more.
Pinterest Options
Customize every detail about how people pin your content on Pinterest.